Thursday, August 25, 2011

Halloween tree..

This is one of the next arrangements I will take to the cemetery in mid September. Some think I'm wierd taking a halloween tree with ghosts, black cats and jackolanterns to a cemetery but that is their problem. I know Kiko would like this arrangement... perhaps better than any other I've made so far.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

And another one

This is a wooden cut out, I bought several years ago at a thrift shop. It was unpainted and the lines were not all drawn. I painted it, drew the outlines and sealed it with a waterproof sealer. Over all it's about 12 inches long way and 7 or so inches high. It really turned out cute. J.

A Very Long Long time...

Yes, it's been a really long time since I've posted here, but that's because I had been unable to do any crafts. Now after three surgeries and months later with therapy etc, here I am almost back to normal. I am so very grateful.

This is the very first craft I've done in months and months. It's a little Jack Frost ornament to hang on the tree.