Saturday, June 14, 2014

Introducing... Mel T. Snowbuddy.

Such a little cutie he is ...

See?  Didn't I tell you?


Monday, June 9, 2014

Rapunzel let down your hair.....

My latest felt creation..   turned out cute but I don't want to make another one...

 This little felt creation is about 8 inches tall.. made from felt.. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

June Flowers for the Cemetery

Just got the Summer arrangements down to the cemetery.  So happy to have it looking nice again.  But in fact the flowers we had taken last time still looked fairly good. Well, there was one arrangement that was pretty faded.. we had to throw that one away.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Another heart.. just because..

Of all the felt things I've done so far, I love the hearts the best.  So I made another one.  Here it is..  so pretty.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

One more crafty thing...

Here's one I just finished this morning.  I like it but think I could do better..

This is Holly Angel

And this is Holly's back

Thursday, May 8, 2014

One more thing

Finished the set of three ornaments but I'm not satisfied with them.. gonna go back and stitch completely around the outside of the little green trees.  Think that will make them look more finished.  Here they are though....


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Getting behind myself

The six hearts for Gloria are done..  I'll post pics of them all here.  Now I've started on six felt geishas..  These too will be for Gloria. They aren't as much fun, hard sewing black felt with black thread. So far I've finished two.. only four to go and then I can get onto something more fun. Here's the hearts for now...

This is the smallest of the bunch.. just about 2.5 inches tall.

I love doing the outside fringed

I call this one the 'framed' one.  I want to make some more of these.

And here they are all together.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Three more felt hearts

I love these things.. so easy to make and cute too...

Three together

Pink and cream

Yellow fabric with tan felt

Cream felt with green trim

Monday, April 14, 2014

A few more things.

purple and tan heart

Here's the first in a set of three..

gray Christmas ornament.. just one in a set of three.. don't have the other two done yet also my first attempt at a geisha.. it's so small it fits in the palm of my hand.  And there's another shot of the purple and tan heart.

Here's my little geisha.

And the first in a set of six hearts for Gloria.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Busy busy busy..

I've been busy making a set of Christmas ornaments.  My first ever set of white and blue felt. Lightly stuffed just to give them body.  I really think these are cute. .. wait, before you tell me they aren't so good. I know the reindeer stitching is off... I confess I did this at 3a.m. when I couldn't sleep and the light was dim.  Didn't even notice it until after I looked at the picture. I'm fixing it as we speak. Anyway, check these out... tell me they aren't cute...J


