Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wow... Violet must have eaten all night...

Just last night Violet was so thin... now look at her. She's looking mighty stuffed. Yes I got her stuffed. Didn't really do much on her today though. Tomorrow I will try and start the sculpting. Hopefully I can still do it... J

Friday, February 27, 2009

unstuffed doll body

After a really hard start, with the scissors not cutting this thin material well... my arthritic thumb having a heck of a time and the sewing machine acting up, I've finally at least gotten the body pieces fitted together and sewn. This is a picture of "Violet" unstuffed... stay tuned.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pac Man Cakes

So, it's my opinion cakes can fall under the heading of crafts... ya think? Well if it were "Arts and Crafts" it would fit. Remember the old pac man game? Then there was Mama pac man and baby pacman.. Kiko loved them all. One year for his birthday I made his cakes in the images of the pacman family.. And if you know what they looked like, you'll know I did a good job. J

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wishing Well..

A funny little nothing thing we did at work

This is actually made with craft sticks glued onto a can.
Painted and then varnished. I wish I had a picture of the
side of the roof. It actually looks like a real shingled roof.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Once again...

Doggie wear remodeled..... Cut the point off the back and sewed the neck hole together so it slips over his head.
Added elastic to the bottom so I can just slip this on without
using velcro which he just chews off anyway.. Remember
this is still my first try. Next one will be better.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Aren't these cute? And so easy. We made these one year at our family reunion. It's just two wooden balls glued together and painted. I've added the face with a fine point permanent marker. Shoes are painted on. A bit of craft felt makes the scarf and the earmuffs are just little store bought pom poms. They just look cheery to me.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Reunion hat

We had 'hat' night at one of our family reunions. Everyone who came to the potluck had to wear a hat. Here are two views of the one I fixed for myself. What fun.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

First try

This is my first try at making my dog a coverlet.
Maybe that's not what it's called, don't know. I didn't have
a pattern so I made one out of a brown paper grocery bag.
I'm not completely happy with the way this fits, but in the picture I can see what needs to be done to make it fit better.
I've used stick on velcro which I do not like and will either find
the velcro to sew on or think up a different way to fasten it.
I've made this with double fabric sewn together and it would be reversible if the velcro wasn't on it.. I also think if this were a stretchy type of material I would make it so it just slips on with no fasteners needed. Now I'm thinking this would be terrific made out of a nice sleek black shiny vinyl... Would make a neat raincoat. Yep this is only the start of a whole new wardrobe.. by the way. Dog was not enthused.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rocky the Frog

I actually bought this rock to paint. I had the idea for the frog but couldn't find a rock that would work... so I bought one. He's a cutey don'tcha think?


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stepping Stones?

Here's one I made last year... This was my first attempt. I used colored glass do dads from the dollar store. Filled it all in first with the grout and then just stuck the glass into it. We sealed it afterwards but this isn't really very durable and the cheap glass has lost some of its color... I think I can do better than this. But it does look cute in the flower beds.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I found it...

This is the first quilt block I made for the family quilt that Christina made. At that time I was single. I had a large family even though most of the seven children were grown and gone. I'd always felt like the old woman who lived in a shoe.... so that was the inspiration for my quilt block.. This is just a free hand drawing with brown fabric paints... Turned out cute I think.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Quilt Block

This was my contribution to the family quilt that Mary made for our family reunion... We had another quilt before this one.. Will have to look for the block I made for that one too... I used pictures of us for the heads and drew the bodies on the computer.... Then I scanned it onto the material. Was a fun thing to do.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

More rock painting

Aren't these just the most scrumptious looking strawberries? Got cream? Well they are three little rocks I found and painted them up to look like strawberries. These are the types of things I do when we go camping.. Haven't been in a long time.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Pillow project

Last year for Christmas I made pillows for some of the grandkids and a nephew.. I made transfers on the computer and had them ironed onto material. Then I sewed the picture onto the pillow.. I think I made a total 6 pillows... it was a fun project and the kids liked them..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Doll or not?

I have these little doll kits. I've made them before but it's been almost twenty years ago, I think. I had decided to make them again and was all fired up about them when all of a sudden the ooomph went out of me and now I just can't seem to get into them. I did cut the pattern out for one of the dolls but so far haven't done anything else with it... maybe tomorrow. They are really cuter than the picture. Yes, maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Christmas Tree Ornament

Here's another of the little doll ornaments.. made the same way the other one is... sewn and stuffed. The head is a wooden ball with paint pens used to draw the features. A bit of embroidery thread for the hair and there you have it.


Monday, February 9, 2009

This Little Piggy Went to Market...

Isn't he cute... he's a very small rock that just looked like a pig... and so he is. A bit of paint. Some mod podge to seal it and there you have a cute little pig.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Mosaic House Numbers

This is a slumpstone like one uses in the yard. I've used broken glass and rocks for the design and numbers... filled it with grout and then sealed it. The one below is a rock and I've used all broken glass on it.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

T-shirt transfers

Here's the transfer I made for the T-shirts for our family reunion one year... I'm making another transfer now but it's for a different reason. I liked this and it showed really well on white T-shirts...


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Flower Pounding

This was a fun project that we did at one of the family reunions. I bought cheap frames at the $ store and the thrift shops. Used flower petals and pounded them on the material with rocks. The only problem I've found is that these fade easily... they are not near as bright now as they were when we made them.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Photo/scrapbook albums

Here are two pages of the albums I did for the kids for Christmas... there are 40 total pages and I made seven albums.. They did turn out good.