Friday, January 31, 2014

Remember those shoebox dioramas in grade school?

Well, this is not one of them.  

I've been seeing cute little altoids and the like, tins decorated in all sorts of ways on pinterest.. Just had to see if I could make one.  It's a simple little thing but it turned out cute anyway. Might one day try something a little more complicated... don't know yet.. J

Inside.. 3 D

Outside.. I covered the bottom of the tin too

The bottom

The front... or top of tin

You can see how small the tin is because that's my hand holding it

Monday, January 27, 2014

Jars... just simple little Jars

I'm reverting back to my childhood..  I've been seeing all these great looking jars that are filled with things or painted... or transformed in one way or another so I decided to join the bandwagon and try my hand at painting canning jars.  These two small jars I decided to use for Q-tips. I usually buy the big boxes of them and then put a few in the drawer in a snack size baggie which after opening and closing a few times becomes difficult.. the closures don't work right, Q tips fall out and get scattered all through the drawer... so wallah. I put an end to all that.. mess with me and you get jarred... J

Here they are together

Here you can see how the Q-tips fit perfectly

Here's the pink one in my bathroom

And here's the brown one in Mac's bathroom

Feb... Valentine arrangements

Finally got all the arrangements done and to the cemetery.. thank goodness we did as the ones that were there surely looked the worse for wear. Wasn't anything worth saving.  Here's the newsest....








Thursday, January 9, 2014

Just one more Thing... for now that is..

I'm getting ready to make the February floral arrangements, but first I needed to tie up some loose ends... one of those ends were to make a stable for the nativity rocks I painted in July at our family reunion..  so here's the finished project, except now I'm thinking of adding some sheep or maybe a camel or two..  will need to find some rocks that will work for that.