Monday, January 27, 2014

Jars... just simple little Jars

I'm reverting back to my childhood..  I've been seeing all these great looking jars that are filled with things or painted... or transformed in one way or another so I decided to join the bandwagon and try my hand at painting canning jars.  These two small jars I decided to use for Q-tips. I usually buy the big boxes of them and then put a few in the drawer in a snack size baggie which after opening and closing a few times becomes difficult.. the closures don't work right, Q tips fall out and get scattered all through the drawer... so wallah. I put an end to all that.. mess with me and you get jarred... J

Here they are together

Here you can see how the Q-tips fit perfectly

Here's the pink one in my bathroom

And here's the brown one in Mac's bathroom

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