Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fimo Jewelery

This was so much fun... I've since given the pastel colored one away and have to say I really miss it. I think I'm going to make another one. Loved wearing that colorful little thing. These are so easy to make. You just roll them up anyway you want them, poke a hole through them with a skewer and then bake them. When they are cool you can use a sealer so they will be more durable. Then you can string them on elastic. The pastel one was made with all white fimo so I painted it... the other two were made with colored fimo so they needed no painting.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I have one of these! These were fun to make too. I bet one could make a nice hippy necklace with fimo. I use to have a hippy necklace that had red wooden beads strung a couple inches apart on a leather string/lace thing. Loved it.
