Monday, December 30, 2013

Busy busy busy...

Christmas is over..  but I didn't finish putting all the pics I wanted to in here..  Here's a few more before I get onto something other than christmas..  however, most of the crafts I've planned for 2014 are in fact, one kind of Christmas ornament or another, can't help it.  It's who I am...

Millionaire pie.. made twice. Once for Thanksgiving and once for Elenas family visit

Mini Rose for Elena

Love the way I covered the pot!

Smooth, Creamy, Rich... Peanut Butter Fudge

Cookies, brownies and candy.

Had fun with frosting the sugar cookies.. and they were yummy.

Hospice store find

Hospice store finds

Apple cobbler for Ramons visit.. sugar and gluten free.

I ate so much but boy were they ever delicious
sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, chocolate chunk and oatmeal/raisin/walnut.

Christmas Presents

I love wrapping.

So pretty.

Dollar store ribbon and dollar store paper.. makes a pkg that looks like a million.
And there you have it.. now I'm working on a stable for the rocks that I painted in July.. bout time.  Also planning the Valentine arrangements for the cemetery.

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