Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Violets hair is done !!!

Yea her hair is done... I do want to find a different head band for her though....Hopefully tomorrow I can start on her clothes. Then just a little blush and some nail polish... lookin' good. J


  1. She is sooooo cute! If I thought I could do half this good I would be tempted to try to make one.

  2. Anybody can do this.. it's a kit with complete step by step instructions. Nothing is precut and the face isn't stamped. But all materials, the pattern and instructions are in there. I ended up buying four kits. Three of these I've made before years ago, like about 20 or more years ago. J

  3. You can still buy kits like this? I think I will get one. She is so totally cute. You have done a great job. I love the pink hair.
