Saturday, April 25, 2009

More flowers (arangements)

click on the pictures to enlarge

This is my table full of flowers to take to the cemetery.



I bought 4 of the cone containers you stick in the ground. This is one of them filled with red carnations.

The yellow daisies are for the basket for Mom... they are ready to set down in it when we get there. I have extra flowers to fill in with if needed, but not having the basket here makes it hard to really know what to do.


Friday, April 24, 2009

floral arrangement

Finally today I got to the floral arrangement... I sort of had an idea of what I wanted it to look like but wasn't sure... so just started little by little until it looked almost good. I am such a NOT floral arranger but I hope it's good enough. Kiko was so talented in this area, I wish I could do half as good. These are artificial flowers wired onto some grapevine sticks and the whole thing is wired onto a scalloped brick. The scallop doesn't have a reason for being.. I just used what I had. I wanted it heavy so the wind wouldn't blow it away.. I covered the bare spots with moss and used a hot glue gun. Will try to make another arrangement tomorrow to put on Moms grave too. I noticed the basket of flowers were all faded... That's not good. I'm trying my best to remember what that basket looks like but it seems I'm drawing a blank.. anyway here are a couple of pics of the arrangement I made today. Remember click on the images to see them bigger... Hard to get a picture of the whole thing or to really show the size... it's well over three feet in length. I think closer to four.





Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Beads.....not finished

I made these beads when we went camping but I forgot to take my paints.. I do have some clay that doesn't need painting.. The blue beads were made using colored fimo but the others I am painting. The peach colored bracelet isn't finished. I need to paint two more beads and I need to buy some elastic to string them on. I'll post a finished pic when they are done. I put the beads onto skewers to hold them while I paint them and leave them there to dry.. J

Friday, April 17, 2009

Finished the dog sweater...

I did it... I crocheted my dog a sweater without even knowing how. He's a funny sized dog. Not very big around but kinda long... I have yet to find one sweater in the stores that would fit him right. So I decided to make one. This is my first attempt at crocheting a sweater for him but now that I've done it and see how well it fits him I think I'll make him several. Sure fits him good and a lot cheaper than anything readymade.. I'm quite proud of this...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring has Sprung

I've worked only a little on the dogs sweater today... I did look at some picture frames that I wanted. This project is going to be rather costly so I might only have to do a few at a time. But I am determined to do it. This evening I went outside for awhile and noticed how pretty the spring flowers were. I don't have much yard here but the flowers are nice anyway. Would love a bigger yard again but then that would mean more weeds too... this will have to do. I thought I'd put a few pics of the flowers here. Remember if you click on a pic it will enlarge and be so much prettier... J