Friday, April 24, 2009

floral arrangement

Finally today I got to the floral arrangement... I sort of had an idea of what I wanted it to look like but wasn't sure... so just started little by little until it looked almost good. I am such a NOT floral arranger but I hope it's good enough. Kiko was so talented in this area, I wish I could do half as good. These are artificial flowers wired onto some grapevine sticks and the whole thing is wired onto a scalloped brick. The scallop doesn't have a reason for being.. I just used what I had. I wanted it heavy so the wind wouldn't blow it away.. I covered the bare spots with moss and used a hot glue gun. Will try to make another arrangement tomorrow to put on Moms grave too. I noticed the basket of flowers were all faded... That's not good. I'm trying my best to remember what that basket looks like but it seems I'm drawing a blank.. anyway here are a couple of pics of the arrangement I made today. Remember click on the images to see them bigger... Hard to get a picture of the whole thing or to really show the size... it's well over three feet in length. I think closer to four.






  1. Well, YOU may not think you're a floral arranger, but I think you did an incredible job. I think it's beautiful. Kiko would think so too I know.

  2. I agree, it looks beautiful, and like something he would really love.
